Correlation Between Hemodynamic Status and Survival Rates in Severe Burn Patients During Emergency Phase

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Correlation Between Hemodynamic Status and Survival Rates in Severe Burn Patients During Emergency Phase


Survival Rate, Hemodynamic Status, Severe Burn


Disturbance in the hemodynamic status in severe burn is a serious problem which occurs most frequently in the emergency phase. The hemodynamic status of burn patients is influenced by the physiological response of the body to the characteristics of the burn severity. Therefore, factors influencing the hemodynamic status in the emergency phase is essential to be studied. This study aimed to analyze the relationship between the hemodynamic status and the survival rate of severe burn patients in the emergency phase at RSSA Malang. This research was a documentary analysis employing a retrospective design on 80 samples of the medical records in Combus room of RSSA Malang in the last 2 years. The results of the relationship analysis showed that the factors associated with the survival rate were the systolic blood pressure (p = 0.000) and respiratory rate (p = 0.000). Thus, monitoring the hemodynamic status in the emergency phase is vital to evaluate the effectiveness of therapy in increasing the survival rate in severe burn patients.


Penulis 1 : Rasi Rahagia
Penulis 2 : Anggun Pranessia Anggrasari


STRADA Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan
Nomor ISSN : 2614-350X
Volume, Nomor, Bulan, Tahun: Vol 9 No 2 (2020)
DOI artikel : 10.30994/sjik.v9i2.475


STIKes Surya Mitra Husada Kediri



